Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Google Announces Chrome OS Partners

Although Google just made the announcement about their new operating system last night they already have the web a buzz. Sites are teaming with information and speculation as to how popular Chrome OS might be once it actually hits the consumer market. In Google's original announcement they let it slip that they had already teamed with several netbook and PC manufactures in developing the new OS.

Today they tipped their hand a little more and gave us all a peek at what we might expect and who they will be teaming with.

Google Chrome OS - FAQ

Is Google Chrome OS free?

Yes – Google Chrome OS is an open source project and will be available to use at no cost.

This might be great news for consumers looking for a good low cost alternative to using Windows, Linux or even Google's Android (which will reportedly be showing up on several devices before years end). Right now its a wait and see situation as we just don't know that much about the OS.

What companies is Google working with to support Google Chrome OS?

The Google Chrome OS team is currently working with a number of technology companies to design and build devices that deliver an extraordinary end user experience. Among others, these companies include: Acer, Adobe, ASUS, Freescale, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments.

Acer and ASUS are the no. 1 and no. 2 netbook manufacturers worldwide so the partnership there is really no surprise. HP and Lenovo are also large netbook manufacturers so again no really surprise. The one name missing from the list that is a bit pf a shocker is Dell however this by no means excludes them. Freescale, Qualcomm and Texas Instruments are chip companies that Google is likely working with to ensure a good user experience. We know they are looking to get as much widespread chip support they can!

I'm a developer – how can I work with you?

Later this year, the Google Chrome OS code will be open source. Google will be looking forward to working with the open source community and making their own small contributions to the great work being done out there. Please stay tuned to the Google Chrome Blog for more details

If you are interested in a full time position as a software engineer please visit the jobs pages for the following offices and indicate that you are interested in Chrome.

Building anticipation!
Since they won't officially be releasing the source code until later this year we won't likely see exact details of what the new OS will bring to the table until early next year. It will likely take developers a few good months to get the development ball rolling.

Google's announcement however comes at a great time to build tons of anticipation. With only the official release left the buzz surrounding Windows 7 is already dying a bit. Netbooks continue to gain ground on the PC market and will likely gain more ground with the back to school crowd hitting stores over the next month or two.

If just the announcement of a new OS makes this big a mark then wait until we get some actual screenshots and a few hands on reviews!

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