Intel is looking for exceptional, compelling applications that will help bring new consumer usage models to Intel Atom processor-based netbooks, especially apps that demonstrate creativity and show potential for significant growth and broad consumer appeal.
Originally launched back in May the Intel Million Dollar Development Fund guaranteed up to $1 million to support developers who are creating innovative applications for the Intel Atom processor-based products.
Intel Atom Developer Program Accelerator 2010 – Speeds time to market.
- Accelerator 2010 will support software developers and companies creating new experiences through applications for Intel Atom processor-based netbooks. This program will provide funding for companies that pioneer new usage models in the netbook software market.
- Submissions can be existing applications that are being redesigned for Intel Atom processor-based netbooks OR applications that are being created from the ground-up for the netbook form factor. All applications must demonstrate originality of concept, potential for significant growth and a broad consumer appeal to qualify for funding.
- Funding per application will vary from $10,000 going up to $25,000 and will depend on the factors outlined above as well as the scope of work required on the application.
- To apply for Intel Atom Developer Program Accelerator 2010, submit the form here. Please make sure to provide as much information as possible to demonstrate why your app should be selected for funding – what makes your application compelling, features designed for the netbook audience, why your application is poised for growth and more.
- If your software application is approved for funding, you will receive an e-mail with next steps and instructions
- Submit your application to the Intel Atom Developer Program for validation. Then, follow these guidelines and instructions to receive your funding. Payment will be made once an application has passed validation.
- Read these FAQs to know more.
How can you apply for funding? The process is simple – if you have a great idea or an app – either something you are getting started on OR an app that you you’d like to port from another platform, just fill out the online submission form here. Make sure you provide us with as much detail as possible – what makes your application compelling, specific features designed for the netbook audience, why your application is poised for growth, etc..You should hear from Intel on the funding decision within 3 weeks… You’ll find more information here .
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