Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Securing the AI Revolution: A Collaborative Effort

The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) presents exciting possibilities but also demands a strong focus on security. At Intel, the decided to take these challenges head on teaming with developers and adopters in safeguarding AI technology while navigating a complex landscape of guidelines and standards. Intel, along with other industry giants, believe in the power of collective action to address these challenges and ensure that security remains a top priority.

Intel Joins Forces with the Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI)

Intel's CEO, Pat Gelsinger, recently unveiled a strategy for open and scalable AI systems at Intel Vision 2024. To further this vision, Intel joined the Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI) as a founding member. CoSAI aims to equip practitioners and developers with the tools and guidance needed to build secure AI systems from the ground up.

This collaboration is a significant step for the industry, uniting leaders from diverse fields to develop and share comprehensive approaches, best practices, and methodologies for secure AI development and deployment. CoSAI's initial focus will be on software supply chain security, preparing defenders for evolving cybersecurity threats, and establishing AI security governance frameworks.

Prioritizing Security and User Protection in the AI Boom

The demand for AI is skyrocketing, and so are the security risks. As we have seen this week with the CrowdStrike outage cybersecurity is still evolving to keep up. It would seem with the widespread impact of thi outage that demand is far outpacing the current capabilities of some vendors and cybersecurity systems and experts. CoSAI  hopes that with a focus on protecting AI systems from attacks, ensuring their transparency, and building trust with users they will be able to prevent future situations like we have today. 

Unfortunately, we are already seeing hackers utilizing AI systems in taking advantage of the CrowdStrike outage chaos. They are setting up AI generated websites and portals, using realistic AI generated email for spear-phishing attacks and as CrowdStrike itself warned on their own blog post  hackers are even impersonating CrowdStrike employees in scam emails and phone calls, even selling bogus software purporting to fix the glitch.

As AI systems evolve and become even more prevalent, we are going to need groups like the CoSAI working with teams from Intel, NVIDIA, Microsoft, Google and others to do their due diligence! 

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Will AI Finally Bring About the Automation Revolution

Growing up during early ages of the tech evolution of the 80's and 90's all we heard was the concern that technology and automation was going displace jobs and replace workers. Faster forward a few decades later and what we see today is that technology has been used more as tool to accompany workers and increase their productivity rather than as a replacement. The same can largely be said about robotics and full-scale automation. 

With the rise of AI however, we are once again hearing the alarm bells sounded, with more people believing that AI will soon replate many workers and many jobs will be lost to this newest technology. So is the newest threat to jobs actually going to replace everyone or will we see the same happen that we have seen over the past 30-40 yrs with the technology being an accompaniment rather than an all out replacement?

AI vs. Previous Tech Waves: Is This Time Different?

The fear surrounding AI isn't unfounded. Unlike past technologies, AI systems are designed to learn and improve, potentially taking on tasks that were once considered the exclusive domain of human intelligence. This includes everything from writing creative content to analyzing complex data, even diagnosing medical conditions.

But it's crucial to remember that history often rhymes, if not repeats. When personal computers first hit the scene, many predicted mass unemployment for secretaries and typists. Yet, these roles evolved. Instead of simply typing, administrative assistants took on more complex tasks, leveraging technology to increase their efficiency. 

The Potential for Augmentation

A similar scenario may unfold with AI. Rather than replacing workers entirely, AI could augment their abilities. Imagine a doctor using AI to analyze medical scans, freeing up time for more patient interaction. Or a marketer using AI to generate initial drafts of content, leaving them to focus on strategy and refinement.

This shift towards augmentation could create new opportunities for workers who embrace AI as a tool. Those who adapt and learn to work alongside AI systems will likely find themselves in high demand.

The Challenge of Adaptation

Of course, this rosy picture of AI-powered augmentation isn't guaranteed. The transition will undoubtedly be disruptive, and some jobs may indeed disappear. The key is to focus on adaptability.  

Governments, businesses, and individuals need to invest in education and training to equip workers with the skills needed to thrive in an AI-powered world. This includes not just technical skills, but also critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity – the very skills that AI currently struggles to replicate.

A Cautious Optimism

The question of whether AI will usher in an automation revolution or simply augment the workforce is still up for debate.  However, by drawing lessons from the past and focusing on adaptation, we can navigate this new technological wave with cautious optimism.

AI has the potential to be a powerful tool for progress, not just a threat to jobs. By embracing its possibilities and preparing for its challenges, we can ensure that AI serves to enhance human potential, rather than diminish it.

In Conclusion...

The future of work in the age of AI is uncertain, but it's far from bleak. The alarm bells are ringing, but they may be a call to action rather than a death knell. By learning from history, investing in adaptation, and fostering a mindset of collaboration, we can shape a future where humans and AI work together to create a more prosperous and equitable world. 

**Note  Ironically portions of this post were edited and augmented with Google Gemini AI